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learning through experience


Dialog thrives on experience. The magic that works in a nonjudgmental, safe space of real conversation with each other can only be experienced in its full power.


A short, well-founded introduction to the background, the possibilities and the procedure is sufficient to learn the dialogue practice. Then the practice begins.


The participants agree to adhere to five principles. A moderator offers assistance or the participants support each other to implement them.




Learning opportunities, online or on site:


For couples, families or friends

  • A dialogue group can be opened for 2 or more people.

  • Or you organize a group together and hire me for an introduction and, if you wish, an initial mentoring. Online or  on site.

For companies, working groups, project groups, teams

  • You book a half-day introductory seminar and I will accompany you with supervision if you wish.

  • From 4 people I come for an introduction and accompaniment on site.


Get in touch to find the right approach.


The price for an introduction and/or accompaniment will be determined individually during the initial consultation. You may also inquire non-committel.

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish as fools."

Martin Luther King

© 2024 Ruth Wenger, Rosrainstrasse 93, 8915 Hausen am Albis

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