Ruth Wenger
Mediation and Coaching
A COACHING for you - why?
Because you don't have to and can't do everything alone!
"A little help of a friend" can make a big difference when
you want to make more out of yourself and your life
need support- healthwise or energetically
are in a relationship - private or business - that is bothering you
a private or business decision has to be done and you need clarity
you want to change your job or reposition yourself - maybe self enmpolyed
there is a problem that needs to be solved or you are stuck with something
need supervision for your (therapeutic) work
and last but not least: want to do something good for yourself
Then coaching can be exactly what will get you further.
My coachings include your somatic sense and usually don't take many sessions. Your somatic intelligence knows what is the matter and where the solutuion lies. I have a wide range of skills and methods to intervene - and a lot of experience - to discover this together with you. Usually already after the first session you experience how things change positively.
In a first, half-hour, free of costs introductory meeting, you tell me what you want to gain from a coaching. I will then be able to tell you how much time you need to invest - usually between 4 and 6 sessions. Then we start our work
"The possibility of a dream coming true is what makes life interesting."
Paulo Coelho