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Trauma can be resolved and history rewritten


Trauma is not a "stigma" - not a lifelong curse. However, traumas bind a lot of life energy and - as long as they are not resolved - can "sabotage" the present moment in all possible and impossible situations. They are the shadow on the joy of life, the cause of many emotional calamities and depression. They have the tendency to repeat themselves in life and can therefore be the cause when bad things happen to you again and again.

That does not have to be that way - trauma can be resolved! Done so a correspondingly large amount of energy is set free - life energy, which is then available for life to unfold and blossom.

An important approach in my trauma work is Somatic Experiencing(SE). This method was invented by the Americans Dr. Peter Levine. In 1999 he trained the first therapists in Switzerland. I was in this first 3-year training and assisted him in 3 further trainings. After 10 years I developed my own approach which can release trauma from any period in life.

My work is based on the (somatic) memory of your inherent wholeness - that which is unharmed within you. No matter how devastated you may feel - or how insecure or sick - your core is always intact; there is nothing to improve. As soon as you get in touch with it, you can feel it in your body. Your somatic intelligence remembers what means to be healthy and whole and knows how to re-balance any kind of imbalance - physically, emotionally, mentally.


Trauma work, done well, brings a tremendous relief. It opens the door to heaven on earth, to a happy, fulfilled, healthy life. If you think that old stories and trauma prevent you from living your life fully, this work is worth it - you can rewrite your story and will only win!

“Trauma can bring hell on earth. Resolved trauma is a gift from heaven.”

dr Peter LevineTrauma researcher and developer of "Somatic Experiencing"

© 2024 Ruth Wenger, Rosrainstrasse 93, 8915 Hausen am Albis

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